Jim Crow

Laws like this one are dispicable
Sunday, June 5, 2011
My experience as a Freedom Rider was amazing. I had the opportunity to make a change in many peoples eyes about how they treated others. I may have had a rough journey accomplishing my goal, but the hardest part is over now. I've met great people who were also Freedom Riders and I have also made many long lasting friendships. My journey has changed my life. Before I joined the Freddom Riders all I did was sit in the background and watch all of the wrong doings that were being done to colored people. I thought that it was wrong. I tried to put my self into one of there shoes just to try and imaging what I would feel like but I just couldn't do it. So I decided to do something about it, and that is when I joined the Freedom Riders group. I joined the Freedom Riders because they all believed in equality.
Freedom Rider Heroes
There were many people that were a part of the Freedom Riders group who were considered as Heroes. Some of them were my friends. They were people who wanted equality between humans no matter what race they were. One of the heroes was James Lawson. He was the son and gradson of Ministers. He joined a group called CORE, which stood for Congress of Rasial Equality, in 1948. Another hero i know of would be Bob Filner. Bob Filner was a part of an organized group with other high school students that participated in civil rights marches in 1957. Both of these people are examples of heroes in the Freedom Riders group.
traits of Freedom Riders: Then and Now
they now? Find out in this excerpt from Breach of Peace.
Portraits of Freedom Riders: Then and Now
More than 300 Freedom Riders were imprisoned in 1961. Where are they now? Find from Breach of Peace.
Jim Crow laws of segregation
The Jim Crow laws were a list of laws that were meant to separate the white and colored people. All of the Freedom Riders did not agree with the laws of Jim Crow. Another reason why we set out for our journey was to challenge the laws of Jim Crow. I hated each and every one of those laws, who were they to say that White people have more value compared to colored people. The Jim Crow laws were unfair laws made my local states on the United States. They were mostly in southern states of the United States. A couple examples of Jim Crow laws were that whites could not be abe to marry anyone who was at last 1/8 black, hispanic, or asian. Another example is when they made different schools for white and colored people. They also had a law stating that colored barbers were not allowed to cut the hair of white women and children. These laws were unfair to the colored people.
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1961 Freedom Riders Destinations
