Jim Crow

Jim Crow
Laws like this one are dispicable

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Freedom Rider Heroes

There were many people that were a part of the Freedom Riders group who were considered as Heroes. Some of them were my friends. They were people who wanted equality between humans no matter what race they were. One of the heroes was James Lawson. He was the son and gradson of Ministers. He joined a group called CORE, which stood for Congress of Rasial Equality, in 1948. Another hero i know of would be Bob Filner. Bob Filner was a part of an organized group with other high school students that participated in civil rights marches in 1957. Both of these people are examples of heroes in the Freedom Riders group.

traits of Freedom Riders: Then and Now

they now? Find out in this excerpt from Breach of Peace.
The Oprah Winfrey Show  |  May 04, 2011
James Lawson

Portraits of Freedom Riders: Then and Now

More than 300 Freedom Riders were imprisoned in 1961. Where are they now? Find  from Breach of Peace.
The Oprah Winfrey Show  |  May 04, 2011
James Lawson

This is a picture on Bob Filner.
Bob Filner

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1961 Freedom Riders Destinations

1961 Freedom Riders Destinations